Wisdom of the Body, Wisdom of Nature

Ellen Kittredge + Cynthia Bergh


Craving Connection

The problems that ail us cry for our attention. When we were not looking, humanity’s innate ability for reverence morphed into a pattern of domination; we lost our capacity to listen, and became disconnected from ourselves, the earth, and each other. Yet, reconnection is possible! The keys are found in our attention, our breath and at our fingertips. Step by step we can peel back the habits of disconnection and re-engage in a vital relationship with nature, ourselves, and each other, allowing for our problems to lose their hold, and for health, purpose, and abundance to regain their position at the center of life.


Connecting Paths - time and timelessness

Traditions of reverence and nature mysticism have been preserved in the Andes for centuries. Ellen Kittredge has studied for over a decade with this intact lineage of Paqos (nature priests), and teaches us to reactivate our clear connection with nature and its abundance of resources. Not separate from nature, our own human bodies contain innate intelligence, a self organizing force of abundance that Cynthia Bergh brings her expertise to. Together, Ellen and Cynthia guide the journey of re-connection.


Begin here

Wisdom of the Body, Wisdom of Nature: An initiatory journey to Awakening

A live, online 6 week course of nature and self connection.

It feels like a new portal has been opened. I feel so much more grounded and supported. The gifts, healing and guidance received thus far have been bright and generous - a beautiful way to start working on rekindling and nurturing these relationships.
— A. D.

Next Step

Part 1: Nurturing the Seeds of the Soul - TBA in January 2024!

Part 2: Branches and Blossoms - Just completed in July 2023!

Part 3: Celebration of Harvest - Starting October 2023!